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Kids Books About Kindness: Teach Empathy with Classroom Books

Updated: Jan 21

Kids Books About Kindness: Teach Empathy with Classroom Books

In a world that often moves at a rapid pace, nurturing kindness and empathy is a crucial cornerstone of a child's education. Books have the extraordinary power to open windows into the hearts and minds of others, teaching invaluable lessons about compassion, understanding, and the beauty of human connection. In this blog post, we embark on a literary journey through a carefully curated selection of books that serve as powerful tools for teaching kindness both at home and in the classroom. From heartwarming tales of friendship to stories that celebrate acts of selflessness, these books are not just stories; they are vessels that carry the profound message of the impact of kindness.

Incorporating books that focus on kindness into the home and classroom environment lays the foundation for a nurturing and inclusive educational experience. These stories serve as mirrors that reflect the world's vast tapestry of human experiences, fostering empathy and understanding among young readers. As children immerse themselves in the worlds of characters who exhibit kindness, they begin to internalize these values, shaping them into individuals who are not only academically proficient but also emotionally intelligent. Additionally, these books provide opportunities for meaningful discussions about the importance of compassion, empathy, and community, giving children the tools they need to navigate a world that is often in need of more kindness. Join us on this literary adventure as we explore stories that have the power to leave an indelible mark on young hearts and minds, shaping a future where kindness is the compass that guides us all.

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Have you filled a bucket today?

1. "Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids" by Carol McCloud This book introduces the concept of "bucket filling" - doing kind things for others to fill their imaginary buckets with happiness. It encourages children to be mindful of the impact of their actions.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

How full is your bucket

This book introduces children to the concept of emotional buckets and how their actions can either fill or empty someone's bucket. It encourages positive behavior and empathy.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

the invisible boy

3. "The Invisible Boy" by Trudy Ludwig "The Invisible Boy" follows Brian, a boy who often goes unnoticed at school, until a new student reaches out to him. This book highlights the power of inclusion and the difference small acts of kindness can make.


YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

the kindness book

Todd Parr's signature colorful illustrations and simple, affirming text highlight different ways children can show kindness, from sharing to saying sorry.


YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

when we are kind

When We Are Kind celebrates simple acts of everyday kindness and encourages children to explore how they feel when they initiate and receive acts of kindness in their lives.

Buy a copy: WHEN WE ARE KIND

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

kindness is my superpower

This charming story with peaceful rhymes and colorful illustrations will explain to your child that it is okay to make a mistake and say I’m sorry. Lucas will teach your child good manners and positive behaviour at home, at school, in the store, and on the playground.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

kindness starts with you

This charming story with peaceful rhymes and colorful illustrations will explain to your child that it is okay to make a mistake and say I’m sorry. Lucas will teach your child good manners and positive behaviour at home, at school, in the store, and on the playground.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

spaghetti in a hot dog bun

Lucy faces teasing from a classmate but learns to embrace her uniqueness and respond with kindness. It's a story about self-acceptance, courage, and standing up for what's right.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

the kindness quilt

6. "The Kindness Quilt" by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace In this heartwarming book, Minna and her classmates create a kindness quilt to celebrate acts of kindness. It's a beautiful story that showcases how small acts can create a tapestry of goodwill.

Each Kindness

7. "Each Kindness" by Jacqueline Woodson "Each Kindness" explores the idea that every act of kindness counts, even if we don't always see the immediate effects. It teaches children about empathy and the importance of being kind.


YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

the giving tree

8. "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein A classic tale about the enduring kindness of a tree towards a boy, demonstrating selflessness and unconditional love.


YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

Ordinary Mary's extraordinary deed

9. "Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed" by Emily Pearson Mary starts a chain reaction of kindness when she picks blueberries and gives them to her neighbor, which inspires others to perform kind acts as well. This book shows how one small act can have a big impact.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

last stop on market street

10. "Last Stop on Market Street" by Matt de la Peña CJ and his grandmother take a bus ride through the city and learn to find beauty and kindness in unexpected places. The book celebrates diversity, community, and the power of positive perspective.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE


11. "One" by Kathryn Otoshi "One" is a simple yet powerful story about standing up to bullying with kindness and inclusivity. It uses colorful illustrations and minimal text to convey a powerful message.

Buy a copy: ONE

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

those shoes

Jeremy wants a pair of the trendy shoes that many of his classmates have, but his grandmother helps him understand the importance of empathy and kindness over material possessions.

Buy a copy: THOSE SHOES

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

boxes for katje

Set in post-World War II Holland, this book tells the story of Katje, a young girl who receives a box of goodies from America. In return, she selflessly shares what she has with her community.


YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

the smallest girl in the smallest classroom

Sally McCabe, the smallest girl in her grade, takes it upon herself to stand up to unkind behavior and make a positive change. The book emphasizes the impact of one person's actions.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

kindness is cooler, mrs. ruler

Mrs. Ruler challenges her students to perform acts of kindness, leading to a contagious wave of goodwill. The book encourages children to be proactive in spreading kindness.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE

the koala who could

Kevin the koala is hesitant to leave his tree, but when he takes a chance, he discovers new friends and experiences. This book teaches children about the power of change, bravery, and embracing new opportunities.

YouTube Read Aloud: CLICK HERE


17. "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio "Wonder" tells the story of Auggie, a boy born with facial differences, as he navigates his way through school and life. The book emphasizes empathy, acceptance, and kindness.

Buy a copy: WONDER

Read Aloud: N/A

These books offer valuable lessons in kindness and empathy, and they can inspire children to make positive contributions to their communities and the world around them.

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