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30 quick and easy activities you can do with your kids at home

When our lives are so busy and we are struggling to balance it all make sure you don't forget to slow down and breath. As a mom of 3 boys, I remember the hustle and bustle of it all. I would constantly feel like I was not doing enough. I always thought that I had to entertain my kids with grand gestures, when in reality my kids where happy just building blanket forts and spending time with me. Spending quality time with your kids doesn't always have to be elaborate or time-consuming. Here are 30 quick and easy activities you can enjoy with your children:

  1. Read a Book Together

  2. Have a Picnic in the Park

  3. Draw or Color

  4. Bake Cookies

  5. Build a Fort

  6. Play a Board Game

  7. Go for a Nature Walk

  8. Have a Dance Party

  9. Create a DIY Craft

  10. Play Hide and Seek

  11. Have a Pillow Fight

  12. Plant a Mini Garden

  13. Watch a Family Movie

  14. Play with Playdough

  15. Go on a Scavenger Hunt

  16. Build with LEGO or Blocks

  17. Have a Mini Science Experiment

  18. Do a Puzzle Together

  19. Write a Story or Draw Comics

  20. Play with Puppets

  21. Have a Mini Fashion Show

  22. Do Yoga or Stretching Exercises

  23. Visit a Local Museum or Gallery

  24. Cook a Meal Together

  25. Create a Time Capsule

  26. Do a DIY Science Project

  27. Have a Karaoke Session

  28. Make a Family Photo Album

  29. Visit a Library

  30. Have a Water Balloon Fight

30 quick and easy activities you can do with your kids at home

Remember, the most important thing is to be present and engaged with your kids. These activities are about creating lasting memories and strengthening the bond between you and your children. Put down your phone, put away your laptop and just be present. Laugh, take photos and make lasting impression. xo

family playing together

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